man wearing augmented reality goggles
Business - Expert Roundups

10 Transformative Ways Augmented Reality Will Change Our Lives and Work by 2033

Augmented reality is poised to revolutionize our daily lives, especially with cutting-edge devices like the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest entering the market. We’ve gathered insights from top tech leaders, including spatial computing developers and Chief Technology Officers, to explore the transformative potential of AR. From virtual screens replacing physical monitors to the evolution of a skill-assisted workforce, discover the ten ways these experts predict AR will change our future.

Virtual Screens Replace Physical Monitors

Tony Morales

One way augmented reality will really change the way we live and work over the next few years is by replacing the physical screens we buy with virtual screens created for free and placed anywhere with augmented reality software. Right now, we buy multiple screens to fill every corner of our homes and offices: a second monitor for our work desk, a third TV for the basement, an iPad for travel. 

With new devices like the Apple Vision Pro, we can conjure up a new screen at a moment’s notice—without the need for a delivery from Amazon or for help to move the screen up some stairs. We will replace the billions of larger screens we place around the world with tiny, ultra-high-resolution screens in augmented reality devices. When screens exist primarily in software, we can make them however big we want, delete them in an instant, or move them with a wave of our hands. This will decimate businesses that focus on selling us monitors and televisions and eventually lead to a rethinking of how we design where we live and work.

Tony Morales, Spatial Computing Developer, 1984

Enhanced Remote IT and Cybersecurity Training

As someone well-versed in the intersection of technology and user-focused solutions, particularly from my experience exploring the possibilities brought by innovations in IT services and cybersecurity, I can provide some insights into how augmented reality (AR) will change our lives and work. Augmented reality, especially with the introduction of devices like the Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest, is poised to reshape various sectors.

One significant change in our professional lives will come from AR’s ability to overlay digital information onto the physical world. For instance, in the field of IT managed services, AR can enable technicians to perform remote support in unprecedented ways. Imagine a scenario where IT professionals use AR glasses to view a real-time feed of a client’s hardware setup. They could then superimpose step-by-step repair instructions or system configurations directly into their field of view. This not only expedites the troubleshooting process but also makes remote support much more interactive and effective.

Furthermore, AR will enhance training and development across industries. For example, cybersecurity training could be revolutionized by AR simulations that project realistic cyber threat scenarios. Trainees can interact with these simulations to learn how to respond to different threats in a hands-on manner without the risk of real-world consequences. Such immersive experiences will result in a more prepared and adaptive workforce capable of dealing with complex cybersecurity challenges. This is backed by the AI and machine learning advancements we’ve witnessed, where real-time data processing and threat detection are becoming increasingly sophisticated, further enhancing the potential of AR in professional environments.

Lawrence Guyot, President, ETTE

Immersive Virtual Meetings and Learning

AR will transform our lives and work over the next decade by revolutionizing remote collaboration and communication. With the recent advancements in AR technology, such as the release of Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta Quest headsets, we can expect to see immersive virtual meetings and collaborative environments becoming more commonplace.

These AR headsets will enable individuals to interact with lifelike holograms of their colleagues, regardless of their physical location, creating a more engaging and productive work experience. From virtual design sessions to remote training sessions, and even virtual team-building activities, AR will break down geographical barriers and foster seamless collaboration among distributed teams.

Furthermore, AR will enhance remote learning experiences, allowing students to explore interactive educational content in a more immersive and engaging way. Overall, AR’s impact on remote collaboration and communication will redefine how we live and work in the coming years.

Dhari Alabdulhadi, CTO and Founder, Ubuy Kuwait

Augmented Efficiency in Complex Tasks

With the release of Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quest, and other AR/VR headsets, the impact of this technology will be significant. The ability to overlay digital information on top of the natural world opens up a range of possibilities, from enhancing our visual perception to improving our efficiency in the workplace. 

For instance, by providing real-time visual guidance, AR can provide us with a more seamless and efficient way of performing complex tasks, such as assembly-line work or medical procedures. It can also create new forms of entertainment, interactivity, and storytelling. Therefore, it is clear that AR will fundamentally alter how we experience the world around us, and we can look forward to a more innovative, exciting, and productive future.

Finn Wheatley, Executive Consultant of Data & Technology, Xtrium

AR Transforms Travel and Hospitality Accessibility

Over the next decade, augmented reality (AR) will revolutionize the way we experience travel and hospitality. With advancements like the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest, AR will facilitate immersive AI tour guides, virtual museum narrations, and other applications that enhance our exploration of new places. However, the true game-changer lies in the widespread adoption of AR through smartphones, rather than specialized headsets. 

By integrating AR capabilities into smartphones, which are ubiquitous in our daily lives, we can seamlessly access AR experiences anywhere, anytime. This shift will democratize AR, making it more accessible to a broader audience and unlocking its full potential to transform how we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

Neil Hodgson-Coyle, COO, TechNews180

Personalized Shopping and Data-Driven Sales

From my background in starting and growing digital marketing businesses, I see augmented reality (AR) as a powerful tool that’s on the brink of transforming sales and customer engagement strategies profoundly. There’s one particularly striking change on the horizon: the personalization of the shopping experience. Using AR headsets like the Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest, consumers will not only view products in their real-world environment but also customize them in real-time. For instance, a customer looking to buy a sofa could use AR to visualize it in their living room, change its color, or test different sizes, which significantly enhances the decision-making process and reduces the chances of returns due to unsatisfied expectations.

On the B2B side, my experience at Anthem Software has shown me how sales and CRM systems benefit from precise and actionable analytics. AR can take this a step further by providing sales professionals with insightful, on-the-fly data visualization. Imagine a sales meeting where instead of browsing through a static presentation, executives use AR glasses to interact with live, three-dimensional data models to explore market trends and projections. This not only makes discussions more engaging but could also lead to more informed decisions through a multidimensional understanding of complex data. 

Plus, with the ever-growing capabilities of AR and VR technology in analytics, we’re likely to see advancements in how we manage interactions with customers, making the process seamless and highly efficient. The immersive experience AR brings to the table will revolutionize the way products and services are marketed and sold, which is a game-changer I am following closely in the evolution of digital marketing strategies.

Joe Amaral, Founder & COO, Anthem Software

Elevated Customer Engagement and Operational Precision

From my expertise as a seasoned entrepreneur who has navigated the digital marketing arena and developed software platforms, I see augmented reality (AR) playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing customer engagement and operational efficiency across various sectors. With the advent of groundbreaking AR/VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest, the potential for immersive experiences has expanded significantly, promising to alter the landscape of both personal and professional realms in the years to come.

From a marketing perspective, my journey in creating impactful digital campaigns has taught me the value of engaging and interactive experiences in capturing consumer attention. AR introduces an elevated level of interaction—enabling consumers to not just see, but also manipulate and engage with virtual products in their own space. This leap in consumer experience offers businesses an unparalleled opportunity to not only showcase their products in a highly personalized manner but also to gather real-time feedback based on user interactions. 

Imagine launching a new product with the capability for customers to virtually place it in their environment, customize features according to their preferences, and share their experience with the world, all facilitated by AR. This not only amplifies conversion rates but also enhances customer satisfaction through personalized experiences.

On the operational side, my experience in developing business software has shown me the transformative power of integrating new technologies to streamline business operations. AR can significantly enhance operational efficiency, especially in industries requiring precision and expertise, such as healthcare and manufacturing. In healthcare, for example, AR can superimpose critical patient data onto the surgeon’s field of view in real-time during procedures, improving precision and reducing risks. In manufacturing, AR can assist in complicated assembly processes by providing workers with interactive guides and checklists, minimizing errors and accelerating training processes.

In conclusion, my journey through the realms of digital marketing, software development, and entertainment production has solidified my belief in the transformative potential of AR. As we continue to explore and embrace this technology, it holds the promise to not only revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers but also how industries operate.

Adam DeGraide, Chief Executive Officer, BamBamTastic Games

Instant Information and Historical Immersion

Augmented reality (AR) will let us get information right when we need it, no matter where we are. These technologies will make it possible for people to experience the past as if they were there, using just a headset or another device that makes you feel like you’re inside it. 

This will make learning and traveling much more interesting. AR will change how we see things around us. It can make things appear or disappear in our view, and add or take away sounds and other sensory elements. Shopping will be completely transformed as well. With AR, ‘what you see is what you get’ will become the standard way to shop. People will be able to see and buy anything they want, anytime, anywhere.

Precious Abacan, Marketing Director, Softlist

Mixed Results in Workplace AR Integration

I suspect we’re going to see a lot of mixed results when it comes to using AR for work. Some companies and roles within companies can thrive on this technology. Just the other day, I saw a video of someone using the Apple Vision Pro to edit images, and it looked great. 

With that being said, not all companies have a use for AR. It’s a great way to change things up and bring some fun, high-tech aspects into the work environment, but it’s not absolutely necessary for everyone. And not everyone even likes AR. At O+, for example, we’re focusing more on growing the business than bringing in tech like this to change the way our employees work. And our employees are very happy with the existing setup we have.

I think that, in the future, people are going to have the option to either use these technologies to do their work or to work as they usually do on a computer or laptop. But I think that’s still quite a way away for most companies.

Lauren Carlstrom, COO, Oxygen Plus

AR Leads to Skill-Assisted Workforce Evolution

I think that augmented reality (AR) will lead to a new skill-assisted workforce in the near future. AR and VR headsets are just the beginning. In the future, we could see even more advanced forms of these promising technologies.

As technology grows, new types of jobs will pop up, needing a different kind of workforce. I believe that schools are beginning to add courses about augmented reality programming and how to develop interfaces for it. These future jobs will need people who are not only good at coding but also creative in how they design and use technology in new ways. 

As the current workforce gets older and new workers come in, jobs will change, and most office jobs will be focused on digital stuff. Many old-school jobs might disappear or change because workers will be able to do more with the help of augmented reality.
Lucas Ochoa, Founder & CEO, Automat